MacroEconomics 2012


Macro was the hardest class I've ever taken; as I type this my grade hasn't been posted. I'll probably fail the class because the "demand shocks" or should I say the incredibly amount of work that was required was too much. This class was toxic from the beginning. Not fair and feels like I was set-up, set-up for failure.  Nonetheless, I learned a lot from my teacher and throughout the semester studying my homework and relating it to the real life and current events taking place right now is amazing. It's like watching football for the first time, you don't understand it but the guy next to you is screaming false start! You don't know what that means because you don't know the benefits/consequences of that call, but as you watch more you find out what false start means. That's how I feel right now when I watch, read or hear information about the economy.



My philosophy class 2011

One of the most unique classes I've ever taken, being a business major this really opened up my eyes and mind to think outside the box, and comprehend some of the greatest minds in the world on how they view society and the economy, from Milton Friedman the biggest advocate for capitalism to Karl Marx the pioneer of communism.